Kinds of Mold

Mold Removal Acton — Here are all the different types of molds that could be in your home and how to identify each one.

1. Chaetomium:
*Appearance – mold spores begin as white and cotton-like but darken to gray, brown or black. Distinguished by a musty odor.
*Location – thrives in water-damaged drywall, wooden surfaces, wallpaper, and under wet carpet and roof shingles. Often mistaken as black mold, removal is best handled by professionals.

2. Fusarium:
*Appearance – growth is pink, red, or white.
*Location – often found growing on food, it spreads quickly and can be found in carpet, wallpaper, and water-damaged materials.

3. Alternaria:
* Appearance – dark green or brown velvety texture with protruding “hairs”.
* Location – most often found in shower stalls, bathtubs, and near sinks. Its presence usually signifies water damage has occurred and the mold will quickly spread. Unless the colony has grown extremely large, it can be safely removed with proper cleaning.

4. Cladosporium:
* Appearance – found in both cold and warm environments, it has a suede-like texture and is brown or olive green in color.
*Location – usually found on carpet, upholstery, drapes, and under floorboards. Small colonies can be cleaned away by the homeowner but larger ones require a professional.

5. Mucor:
*Appearance – grows quickly to develop thick patches of white or gray mold.
*Location- found in extremely wet spaces where condensation has formed such as near air conditioners, HVAC ductwork, and leaky windows and doors. Classified as allergenic, small patches can be cleaned by the homeowner. Larger infections require a professional.

6. Stachybotrys:
*Appearance – known as black mold, the colony has a dark green or black slimy texture.
*Location – most often found in areas inside a home that have been exposed to excessive water and humidity for weeks. Typically develops behind walls and ceilings on wood. Removal and disposal of affected building materials must be done by professionals.

7. Acremonium:
* Appearance – typically begins as a small colony of pink, grey, orange or white moist mold that turns powdery.
* Location – often found in home humidifiers, HVAC cooling coils, drain and drip pans, and near leaky windows. It’s often found with Strachybotrys (black mold) and requires removal by a professional.

8. Ulocladium:
*Appearance – typically black and formed in clumps.
*Location – usually found in kitchens, bathrooms, and basements that have suffered water damage or areas that stay wet for long periods. Caught early, clean up can be done by a homeowner.

9. Trichoderma:
*Appearance – typically appears as white and green wooly colonies.
*Location – can grow on wallpaper, carpet, fabrics, and surfaces exposed to excessive moisture. Usually non-pathogenic, Trichoderma can be cleaned by the homeowner using proper protective measures. It does produce an enzyme that attacks wood, textiles, and paper and can cause damage to building foundations.

10. Aureobasidium:
* Appearance- first appears as a pink, brown or black mold but turns dark brown as it grows and matures.
*Location – found in dark wet and water-damaged areas such as under carpets, behind wallpaper, and on wooden surfaces. Protective clothing, including eye protection and gloves, should be worn during clean-up of small infestations.

11. Penicillin:
*Appearance – surface of the mold colony is velvet-like and blue-green in color. The mold spreads quickly.
*Location – often found in HVAC ducts, wallpaper, mattresses, and carpet. Small colonies can be cleaned by the homeowner with care. Larger infestations should be removed by professionals.

12. Aspergillus:
*Appearance – typically has grey or green spores that can form thick layers of mold. However, multiple species of Aspergillus appear as different colors.
*Location — often appears on wooden surfaces. Extensive infestation should be removed by a professional.

The dampness that develops in a crawl space might also enter into one more part of the building as well as include in mold growth there. Wetness can pass from a crawl space right into a structure with splits in wall surface areas, floorings, as well as additionally ceilings.

Crawl spaces need to be developed especially to remain free from dampness troubles. For details on structure crawl spaces as well as various other structure qualities, check 770 Water Damages & Restoration

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