Other Areas in your home that are prone to fire damage

Living Rooms/Lounges
The living room in most people’s homes is where family and friends gather. It’s where you get warm around a fire or heater, watch TV, play games, and socialize.

However, it’s also one of the most common parts of your home to go on fire. Why is that?

Often, it’s to do with your heating sources. While fireplaces can be beautiful, they can also be deadly when not maintained or cared for properly. Before the mercury plummets, phone a professional to clean your chimney.

You can then enjoy peace of mind that when you light it, there are no obstacles in the fireplace or chimney that could start a fire other than where you want it.

It also helps to invest in fire screens if you use an open fire.

These can stop logs and embers from making their way onto carpets and rugs and igniting. If you plan on leaving the house, make sure the fire is entirely out before you do so.

However, not everyone has a fireplace, so what else is causing fires in these areas?

Space heaters are also fired, culprits. When used too close to flammable items like carpets, curtains, and clothing, they can lead to intense fires that damage or completely gut a home.

Your Crawl Spaces and Attics
It’s easy to forget about your crawl spaces and attics because you don’t see them every day.

Often, they aren’t easily accessible. In saying that, they are one of the leading causes of house fires. So, maybe you shouldn’t forget about them.

Many of these are caused by electrical failures. Older homes and properties with people who have dabbled in DIY, possibly where they shouldn’t, can be more at risk.

It can be worth contacting an electrician to inspect your entire home’s wiring – including crawl spaces and attics – for peace of mind.

Outside Your Home
Even though most fires at residential properties are inside, that doesn’t mean they can’t happen outside.

Dry vegetation, grills, fire pits, and smokers, can all be fire hazard risks.

While not entirely preventable, you can significantly reduce the risk of a fire outside your house by setting a few house rules.

Only ever use grills, smokers, and other cooking appliances at least ten feet away from structures or combustible materials.

Make sure you keep a fire extinguisher handy while cooking and clean your grill after each use. It’s also worth keeping a bucket of water near any fire that pits your light as a “just in case” measure.

Before retiring for the evening or leaving your home, make sure any fire pits you have lit are entirely extinguished.

There may be hundreds of thousands of house fires every year in the United States, but there don’t have to be. Take a few extra precautions with heating, appliances, and your home power supply to potentially reduce the risk. However, if you find yourself with fire damage, it can be worth calling a fire restoration expert near you to see what they can do to help. If you have comments and questions feel free to drop us a comment below or on our Facebook fan page. You can also call 770 Water Damage & Restoration for help 24/7 for water and Fire Damage Restoration Carson and repair.

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