Tips and Tricks for Preventing Water Damage During Bath Time

A few splashes at bath time can easily develop into a small flood in your bathroom if you have a child. When your child decides to act like a fish during your daily bath ritual, the water, soap, and bath toys don’t always stay in the tub. Whether you like it or not, all that water can quickly cause rot and mold damage. These problems not only cost a lot of money to cure, but some people may experience health issues as a result. So how can you avoid water damage, rot, and mold when bathing a wriggling toddler who enjoys splashing?

Before you take your toddler into the bathroom, grab towels, toys, washcloths, shampoo, and all other bathtime necessities. This way, once bath time begins, you won’t have to leave your child’s side. You may help direct the splashing and entertainment while also being nearby in case a disaster occurs. Even in a few inches of water, never leave a youngster unattended.

Just add a couple of inches of water to the tub. When your child is seated in the tub, a decent rule of thumb is to let the water reach his or her belly button. It makes swimming like a fish safer for the kid and will lessen the amount of water that splashes out when your baby tries it. Make it into a game. Imagine a monster standing next to the tub, ready to suck any water that spills outside of the tub. To avoid that thirsty monster, encourage all splashing to happen inside the tub. Put in place a rigid “no standing” policy. This is crucial for your child’s safety and will lessen larger splashes while they are seated.

Invest in a bathmat. Laying a mat to soak up excess water will help protect areas where water frequently splashes out of the tub. Keep the fan running during and after the bath if your toddler is unaffected by it. A fan is the best way to remove moisture from the air and stop the growth of mold and mildew. Make sure to turn on the fan after everyone has left the restroom if your child dislikes the sound of the fan blowing in order to remove as much moisture as you can.

Make sure all toys and gadgets are dry when your clean sweetie exits the tub. Wipe up any extra water that splattered on the tub’s outside. Make a cursory inspection of the bathtub’s edges to make sure that no water is still present close to the seams and seals. Irrigate the tub right away. Long periods of standing water in the bath can easily seep into the cracks around the drain and result in long-term damage.

A few areas are particularly vulnerable to water damage even though bathrooms are designed with special sealants to handle water on most surfaces. It might be avoided if you are aware of these areas and are familiar with the symptoms of water damage. Being watchful may, at the absolute least, prevent any current problems from getting worse. A frothy texture, warping, or discoloration should be looked for. Any of these signs could point to water infiltration into the drywall. Start by making a few tiny holes to release any moisture and leave it to dry if it isn’t visibly wet or soft. This might be sufficient to save the drywall and stop additional harm. Putty the holes and repaint the wall after it has completely dried. If the source of the water is unclear, you might need to look within the wall for leaks. An expert Water Damage Restoration West Hills team can assist with this if you’re not a do-it-yourselfer.

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